Friday, September 23, 2011

Here I Am.

People ask me where I find time to blog.  Usually I stay up late, when everyone else is asleep or I am feeding the baby.  But when something happens that I want to write about that day, I just don't' do anything else.  I am pretty good at ignoring things I don't' want to deal with.  Here I am, still in my pajamas, or Kajamas, as Harvey calls them. 


I haven't done much this morning except blog and now it is afternoon.

Julius took the camera and started snapping pictures.


Maria Krieser said...

I have days like that but nothing to show for them. I've resisted blogging because i don't know that i have anything worth reading about, but you are an inspiration. And I really love keeping in touch with your family this way. I miss you!

L said...

I love to read about other peoples lives, especially my family members. And I wanted to blog for a while, but never really knew what to say. I was inspired by my friend Heather, when she gave a presentation at a Relief Society meeting about blogging. She had some great tips. If there is a blog you like reading, look at the style they use and emulate it. An easy way to blog is to post pictures and write about them. Also, you can write a bunch of posts at one time and there is a feature that lest you specify when you want to post them. I do that one a lot. Last Tuesday I wrote about 4 posts and scheduled them to automatically post every 2 days, then I forgot about it for the rest of the week.