R - "He is doing a good job of being the father that kids always wish they had. I don't have to wish."
J - "I need a straw for my milkies."
J - "Snippy my snappy."
J - "Eat my blue chippies."
J - " I need a pinner."
L - "Will you get out of my shirt, please. "
L - "You may not whip your baby sister with a snake."
H, when he got hurt. "I lost HP, now I have to sleep."
He laid down on my bed for a few minutes, then jumped up and announced, "I am back to full health."
H - Looking at the moon. "Mom, I know what the weather is. It is cold and moony."
I asked H if he wanted to play t-ball this year and J chimed in that he wanted to play. When I explained to him that he wasn't old enough, he responded, "But I'm wearing under ware!"