Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chili, Chili, Chili...

I had to make a poster advertising a chili cook off we are having at church.  I like to make things like that on the computer.  Especially now with my Mac and Pages.  I did run into a snag though,  I wanted a  picture of a bowl of chili to put on the poster.  I looked on line for some clip art, but I couldn't find any that looked like what I wanted, for free.  Trip asked if I was going to take my own picture of some chili to use and after fruitlessly looking, I did.  

I opened a can of chili, put it in a bowl,  and set up a little photo shoot on my dining room table.  I used Daphne's red skirt for back drop and had to replace the burned out light bulbs in the dining room fixture and bring in another lamp for extra light.  But now, I have several shots of chili to choose from.  (And so do you.  If you need a picture of chili, and like one of mine, feel free to use it.)

This is the picture I ended up using. 

 I really like how this shot turned out, but it didn't work for what I needed.

Here I threw in a few chip, and ended up eating it for lunch.

We added a couple of dollops of Daisy sour cream and Daphne took this picture.

Then I used my new skill of cutting out the image, that I acquired by following the directions given on this blog.  And I had a perfect bowl of chili.  

I put it into my poster and voila.  It worked perfectly.

1 comment:

R said...

These pictures look amazing!