Friday, October 28, 2011

Homework Is The Bain Of My Life

and it is not even my homework!

I don't think kids should have homework.  They are already in school 6 hours a day and there is more to life than school.  They need to have time to be kids and do house work, scouts, church, family activities and other outside interests.

Plus for most of my kids, them having homework or "home learning" as they now call it, means that I have to encourage, nag, police, sit with, review, supervise, correct, etc.  It takes a lot of time and then multiply it by 4 and you can see why I hate homework!


Carol said...

awesome! Some year, I'm sure the kids won't want to be themed anymore. I hope they are individually as creative as your crew. And I hope Kevin always wants to be themed with me. I love the 3 ninjas. And D looks like a totally different person.

Michelle said...

Because of rules I have learned as we started the adventure into Cyber-School, I now believe that homework is assigned to get the students enough "education hours". In PA, elementary students must have 25 hours of education time while secondary students need 28 hours. Even though the school day lasts 6 to 6 1/2 hours, we know that children aren't spending that much time learning.
You can make it through the homework era! It'll go faster than you realize (when you look back on it). The only other alternative is to educate them at home.