Monday, October 10, 2011

Bunny Started Laying Again.

A little over a month ago, Bunny went broody.  That is what you call a chicken that wants to sit on eggs and hatch them.  I think it was triggered from us not collecting the eggs for 2 days and with 5 chickens laying, there were a lot of eggs in there.  What ever it was that caused it (she was not yet 6 months old and has only been laying for a month and a half, which I thought was very early to go broody) she only wanted to sit in the nest box, all the time.  I would take her out.  When she tried to sleep in there, I blocked it off for the night.  After a few days of this, she stopped trying to sit in the nest box all the time, but she had stopped laying.

5 weeks have gone by, but a couple of days ago, I found a gigantic pale green egg in the nest box.  We ate it today, it was a double yolkier.  

Welcome back Bunny to the egg laying world, we missed you!

1 comment:

Maria Krieser said...

When I first read this headline I thought it said "Bunny started laughing again". Well the joke was on me when I got to the end! I really wondered how a chicken would laugh. ;-)