Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Become A Demigod.

Humans have to watch out when young demigods battle.  
Their celestial bronze and imperial gold swords can't hurt a human, but their battles can cause all kind of destruction.  We just won't see it for what it really is, because of the mist.
It is said that Greek half-bloods and Roman half-bloods could never get along.

Lucky for us Percy Jackson, son of the Greek God Poseidon, and Jason Grace, son of the Roman God Jupiter, have become good friends.

To transform our young mortals in to demigods we needed a few things.
Every demigod who has been to camp has a t-shirt.

We started with plain white undershirts and Rit dye.

I wanted a good vibrant color, so we used the stove top method (be sure and add the 1 cup of salt and Tablespoon of detergent).

I used a couple of sticks from the yard to stir.  You are supposed to stir constantly for 30 minutes, but I stirred them intermittently, the color was a little variegated because of it, but they looked fine to me.

We then rinsed and dried the shirts, then washed by hand and dried again.

I had the boys iron their own shirts to get them smooth and ready for the stencil. (Note the cardboard in side the shirt, to protect the back from the stencil.)

I found a great tutorial online for making camp half-blood t-shirts with freezer paper stencils.
We adapted it to what we wanted and were good to go.

First we printed out the lettering how we wanted it.  Then each boy traced theirs onto the non-shiny side of the freezer paper.  Adding symbols and additional words if they wanted.

Then we used an exacto knife to cut the letters out.  It took a little getting used to, to get the cuts smooth and nice.  I did this part.  

Ocean's had "Camp Jupiter" with lightening bolts.

Rez had "Camp Half-blood" with Poseidon in Greek underneath it (it is amazing what you can find online and cut and paste into a document) and an anti-lightening symbol and a row boat that fires giant tridents symbolizing Hades and Poseidon preparing war against Zeus.

After ironing the stencil in place with the iron on cotton setting, we dapped black fabric paint on the stencil with a sponge and let it dry overnight.

In the morning we pulled off the stencil.  It was a little tricky in spots because I think I might have saturated the paint to much, it stuck to the cardboard and the paper stuck around the edges of the letters.

We were able to get it off though carefully using the tip of the exacto knife.

With the shirts being done, they needed their weapons.  Nerf and spray paint to the rescue.  First gray primer, then one bronze and one gold (we found that the bronze looked better with a layer of gold underneath, then the bronze on top).

The finishing touches were their hair.  Percy Jackson did not have red hair.  

Luckily Rez has a hairdresser for a mom.  

Ocean got a hair cut, to appear more disciplined as a Roman solider would.

Here are the final results...

Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter,

Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.


Michelle said...

I hope the fun exceeded the preparation. It looks really cool. (Can't wait to see R's hair.)

Carol said...

What a good, crafty Mom you are! Who care about dishes when your kids are this happy?

Maria Krieser said...

Such an awesome mom! these boys will remember this forever!

Hollis Crapo said...

Was Rez's hair permanent dye? I'll never be used to that!!

L said...

We used a demi-permantant dye. It has faded some, his red was really hard to cover. But even if it doesn't all come out, it will grow out soon. He is excited to have red hair with black tips at some point. For now he told me he just doesn't look in the mirror.
The hardest one to convince was O to let me cut his hair short.
We had fun with it.

Michelle said...

My kids asked for camp half-blood t shirts for Christmas and I came across your blog while searching por them. They were impressed. They think you might be the best mom in the entire world. How cool!

L said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words. When I need a pick me up, I will come back and read your comments. I don't get a lot of "your the coolest mom ever". I get more of, "your ruining my life!". Except from Harvey. He tells me, "Mom is the beautifulest name".

Annabeth said...

Hiii! Considering I am a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series and I just wanted to say these are EXTREMELY well done. The Sea of Monsters comes out tomorrow, I am going to the premiere, and I think these are perfect for the movies! Good job, and your kids are very lucky to have you as a mom!