Saturday, November 12, 2011

Destructo Girl does Dangerous Tricks For Babies

Zelda is an early walker.  The only problem with that is that she can physically do things that she doesn't have the sense to avoid.

The stairs were the first issue.  She tries to walk down them, never mind that the hight of the stair is about the length of her leg.  She walks right up to them and would just step right off if we weren't there to stop her.  We have door at the top of the stairs and have gotten very good at keeping it closed, but there are 8 more of us in the house of varying ages, so that doesn't always happen.  So, we have also been working on teaching her how to properly go down the stairs.

The other day, she was downstairs and I think, "downstairs, she is at the bottom, she is safe."   Well, no she also happens to be a climber and went up the stairs without anyone knowing.  Since she is a walker, when she goes up the stairs, she doesn't stay in the crawling position, she stands up, and falls down.  She of course cried and I was soothing her and noticed a little blood coming from her mouth.  So, I rinsed it out and was examining things and was horrified to see a bloody spot where one of her perfect little teeth used to be!  She only had 2 and now she has one. 

 It makes me sick every time I see it.  She was checked out by our pediatric dentist the next day.  He says she should be just fine.  Her other teeth will hold the space until her permanent teeth grow in when she is about 6 years old.  There is a possibility that the tissue that will become her permanent tooth was damaged and could cause some problem, but we won't know for 5 or so more years.  We still haven't found the tooth, I think she must have swallowed it.

She doesn't seem upset about it, now.

A few good things have come out of it.  She doesn't try to walk down the stairs anymore.  She sits down at the top and scoots backwards 

to crawl down them. 

Oh, here she stopped and stood up.  We still have to supervise her.

 The second good thing is, I was reminded how fragile she and all the kids are and how precious life is.   Accidents happen, but we want to avoid all that we can. 

To help with this, we also got a gate for the bottom of the stairs.  No more sneaking up the stairs.

She is keeping us on our toes.  She now climbs up to stand on any elevated surface she can.

A small chest of drawers.

The trunk by the front door (she was very proud of herself here).

Here she climbed up to use the computer.

The under-bed drawer.

The stool.  This one is dangerous because she can move it around and 

use it to climb up on even higher things,

like the bench at the table.

She must be related to these boys.

1 comment:

Maria Krieser said...

I was trying to explain the quote "It's very dangerous for babies" to my family the other day. I'm not sure who said it, but it is one of the funny memories I have of growing up! It is amazing how quickly they learn to use their bodies to their full potential! Keep a sharp eye out. The good news is you have lots of extra eye to help keep watch. So blessed it was only a tooth she lost- not a broken bone or concussion. love you sister!