Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Rez gave a talk in church today.  It was of course on Mothers...
Here is what he prepared.

"Hi, some of you know me but for those who don’t my name is_____________.  Last Sunday brother Lear gave me a talk.  He said that it could be about anything that had to do with mothers but it had to relate to mothers.  My mother has always been a good example to me.  When I did a report in third grade I chose to research komodo dragons.  Komodo dragons are not good mothers.  After they lay their eggs they leave them and live life like before.  Not only that but when the babies hatch they must climb up trees so that the adult komodo dragons (including their mothers) don’t eat them. 

In the Family-A Proclamation to the World it states that, “HUSBAND AND WIFE have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.” This means that you must set an example and love and care for them. 

They look up to you mothers.  The Proclamation also says Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.” 

On the other hand parents should still have fun.  They should not be so serious that they never enjoy themselves or fulfill their other obligations such as visiting the temple.  One of the many times that my mother showed her ability to have fun was on April Fools Day when she put paper in the pancakes that she gladly volunteered to make us and made just a few for herself with no paper.  We couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the pancakes until we dissected one of them and discovered the paper.  Then we dissected mom’s pancakes and there was nothing there.  I bear you my testimony that…(he said something about mothers loving us and then said that his is always right.  I am going to have to remember that.) in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

It was a very sweet talk.  Later, Trip was asking him about his classes and he told us about one teacher that was asking him what his mother did for him.  As he was thinking the teacher prompted, "Does she do the dishes?"  
"No," replied Rez, "my dad does those."   
"Does she clean the house?"
"No, my dad does."  
Then the teacher said, "Don't tell my wife this."

I have a great husband!

Rez did come up with things that I do.  And for the record, I do do dishes and clean, but Trip does them much more, and more often when the kids are home.  I do them more when they are gone and when they are home, I have them do it.  

The kids had been wanting to make me crepes for breakfast in bed.  I got them about 9 pm complete with flowers in a vase on the tray.  Daphne had told me something like, "Why don't you go lay down for a while,  we will take care of things here."  

I love my kids.  Mo gave me some flower plants he had gotten at Cub Day.  They were in a cool wooden box with a handle he had made there, but he informed me that the box wasn't for me, well, we could share it.

Julius and Harvey gave me dish cloths that had their hand print turned into a fish on them they made at preschool  and Harvey gave me a tile with his hand print on it he also had made at preschool.  

Daphne gave me a card she had made at school with jobs on flowers that I could pick for her to do this week.  And she made me an omelet for breakfast.

Rez kept telling me what a good mom I was and how he was glad I was his mom.

Ocean made his own omelet for breakfast.  

Trip made dinner and got a cheesecake for us.

I LOVE my family!

1 comment:

heather said...

Rez' talk was great - loved the Komodo dragons. Happy Mother's Day!