Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Heaven (At Least For 2 Boys I Know)

 Last Saturday, Rez and Ocean were in

 2012 Reading Marathon
at the local public library.  

 At 11 am  they went to a room at the library that was filled with books and they got to sit and read until 5 pm, no mom to tell them they needed to do their job or their homework or anything.  Just pizza, snacks, capri suns and BOOKS.  Every hour there were door prizes.

Ocean won Behind the Curtain.

Rez won Ender's Game and ear phones.

Poor babies, forced to sit and read for hours on end.


Camelia said...

That's a marthon I could partipate in!

marfeb said...

That's my kind of marathon, too. That was my favorite thing to do when i was their ages.

Maria Krieser said...

I loved to read too! I can still do that kind of marathon when I have a really good book! ;-)