Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Wonderful Visiting Teacher

Last Thursday was curriculum night at the middle school.  Trip and I were both planning on going, and each of the boys, Rez and Ocean, were supposed to come with us.  We would go through their schedule and meet all their teachers.  
This meant that I had to get a babysitter for the younger kids.  It was a hard night to find someone, but a friend of mine agreed to come and watch my kids.  Thursday came and 15 minutes before things started, my sitter called to say she was sick and wasn't going to make it.  I should mention that Trip was not home from work yet, so I had been trying to figure out how I was going to go through both of the boys classes at the same time by myself and then to not have a sitter, I wasn't sure what I was going to do.  My good friend across the street was going to curriculum night as well and her husband had another commitment.  I asked another friend, they were already busy.  I finally prayed, because I didn't know who else I could call at the last minute to come and watch 5 kids.  

Then I thought of my visiting teacher.   

Visiting teaching is a program in our church where 2 sisters are assigned another sister to visit each month.  Their job is to watch over that sister, give her a spiritual message, serve her and help her come closer to Christ.  It is a wonderful program and I have made many friends through it.  But, I had just had a change in who my visiting teachers were and had just met one of my new ones the week before.  She was new in our ward and I didn't know her at all. (If you want to learn more about visiting teaching, you can click here.)

Anyway, after pleading for help in my prayer, I thought of my new visiting teacher.  When I called her, she was wonderful.  She said, "I just need to go get my husband and will be right over."  Within half an hour my visiting teacher had dropped what ever she had been planning that night and come to my rescue.
(Trip made it home from work also and we were only a little late).

I am so thankful for the visiting teaching program and that the Lord loves me enough to assign someone to watch over and take care of me.


1 comment:

Maria Krieser said...

Dear sister, how I wish i was closer and could be there to help you, especially in emergencies! Thank heaven for wonderful, willing visiting teachers! love ya, Maria