Monday, July 23, 2012

The Garden

The garden is growing well this year.  The pictures are from about a month ago, so things are much bigger now.  

We have to have the garden on the outside of the fence for two reasons, one is that that is the place that gets the most sun with all the trees in our yard and two is then the chickens can't destroy it.

Here are my tomatoes 

Some even have tomatoes on them.

Daphne has been wanting to buy ladybugs to put in the garden since she has seen them for sale last year.  So we did.  We bought a package of live ladybugs and and sprinkled them around the garden.  They didn't stay around very long.

Here are the beds on the other side of the drive way.

Our raspberries really took off this year.  I think it helped that I fenced around them (they are inside the main fence and the chickens love to eat raspberry leaves) to keep the chickens out.

The flowers are some of my favorite things growing.

I love calendulas.  We had some growing in Bremerton and they would reseed themselves every year.  I had a hard time finding seeds when we moved, but my mother in law had some growing at her house in Utah.  She let me dig some up to take home with me.  Then she sent me an envelope of seeds when hers went to seed.  Some of they plants are self seeded from the transplants I took home and some are from the seeds I planted this year.
I love the orange color and how bright they are.

The lettuce really grew well this year.  It has mostly bolted now, I think I will need to seed some new, to keep us in lettuce.

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