Monday, July 23, 2012

Catching Up

Summer just goes so quickly.  Here are some cute photos of the kids from the last month.

Zelda and Julius playing in the bath.

I love the look on her face, so fun.

After I finish a client, Zelda likes to get out the kids cape and climb up in the chair for her turn.  Usually we just spray her hair with water and comb it a bit.

This is Julius' new hobby, writing on himself.  Oh well, it isn't as long lasting as the haircuts he used to give himself.

On the 4th of July, Mo got to help with the flag raising at the pancake breakfast.  I think he had more fun than is showing on his face.

Mo climbing the tree in front of his Aunts house.

Ocean, Mo and Harvey in the tree.

Mo again.

Zelda her cute little self.

One day Harvey discovered the joy of dirt.  He piled it in his hair and then would shake it out.  There was a huge dust cloud that reminded me of pig pen from Peanuts.  I have some fun videos, but I can't get them to upload for some reason, so you will have to imagine.  The other kids of course had to join in the fun.

Ocean and Daphne helping Zelda on the bike.  She has spent most of the summer in just her diaper.

Mo getting his bobcat award in cub scouts, oh and I am 6 months pregnant.

1 comment:

Emma said...

What a fun summer you guys have had! Congrats on a new baby! I am also 6 months pregnant - due Oct 17th.