Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Destructo Girl Strikes Daily!

Zelda is fully in Destructo Girl stage.  She pulls out, dumps out, messes up everything she can get her hands on.  She loves standing water where ever she can find it.
You can't let her in the bathroom or she will throw things in the toilet, or the bathtub.  
In the basement there are 2 buckets that collect the water from our leaking bathroom above (which we will be getting redone soon).  She loves that disgusting water (it was clean water when it leaked out, but then it travels down through the floor boards and runs down the outside of old pipes and that makes it gross).  She throws anything she can get her hands on into it or just plays in it.
She pulls the clean towels out of my cupboard in the salon.
She grabbed Julius' underwear he had taken off to go to the bathroom and threw it in the toilet.
You get the idea.

But she is so stinkin' cute!

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